the andrews sisters


Monicas And Mannequins

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In this week’s show…

Gorgeous music from Bing Crosby and Kay Kyser!

Joan Crawford and Spencer Tracy glam it up in a fairytale of New York!

Kay Francis and Warren William find a very unorthodox pathway to parenthood…

And much more, including an interesting announcement…

Radio entertainment comes from the Screen Guild Theatre, and features an array of stars!

To become a Co-Producer of the shows CLICK HERE


Oh Johnny, Heavens Above!


In this week’s show…

Who would be the best Golden Age SUPERHEROES?

How did Adam become a classic movie LOVER?

How did Sookie become a REALITY TV star?

There’s MUSIC from Eddie Cantor and The Andrews Sisters, PLUS

Reviews of THREE movies featuring Ronald Colman, Ginger Rogers, William Powell, Jack Carson and The Great Profile himself, John Barrymore!

Radio entertainment comes this week from The Sealtest Show, and it’s a real treat…

To become a Co-Producer of the shows and gain access to over 60 new episodes CLICK HERE!

Agony Uncle

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This week…

…winter’s closing in, and if only there was some way of achieving a certain dream…

…the Question Pot features a singing dog, a trip to Ocono… Oconwo… to somewhere… plus a discussion on fish out of water…

…there’s music from Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby and The Andrews Sisters…

‘‘‘reviews of three movies, including a Vincent Price SHOCKer, a Bluebeard tale with a Hitchcock twist, and a love triangle with a pitch black centre…

Jump on in to your new weekly Attaboy Clarence podcast!

Radio entertainment comes this week from NBC Best Shows

To become a patron of this show and to gain access to over fifty bonus episodes CLICK HERE


Is There A Doctor In The House?


This time it’s a deep dive into one of the greatest film series’ from the Golden Age!

Yes, the Dr Kildare series from MGM provided audiences then and now with a collection of the best stars, the best scripts, and the best stories, all from the hand of Kildare’s original author, Max Brand.

But why exactly did it work so well? And why did it come to a sudden and abrupt end? Find out inside…

There’s music from The Andrews Sisters, alcohol advice from a man who considers himself VERY harassed, and a radio entertainment double bill!

Come on in…

To sign up to become a patron of the show, and gain instant access to hundreds more hours of bonus content CLICK HERE

To enter the Dr Kildare competition CLICK HERE

To get your hands on the entire Dr Kildare radio series CLICK HERE

To listen to Rated H - The Horror Podcast CLICK HERE


Episode 97: The Light Fantastical


In this week’s episode…

Sookie drops in to tell us about her week!

The Question Pot is open for business!

There’s music from Doris Day and The Andrews Sisters!

AND we’ll be taking a look at two supernatural films that aren’t out to scare you (although you may find yourself eeried out…), 1945’s The Enchanted Cottage and 1948’s Portrait Of Jennie.

Radio entertainment is from the Lux Radio Theatre




Episode 83: The Same Procedure As Every Year


Welcome back, everyone!

To kick off 2018, there's news of a new REWARD for audiophiles!


FIND OUT what Sookie's favourite song is!

A brand new edition of 'Who The Hell IS That Hollywood Legend?'

A dip into the QUESTION POT!

The most BORING ad about explosives EVER! from Sophie Tucker, Fred Astaire and Judy Garland, and reviews of two classics: 1946's 'The Postman Always Rings Twice', and European cultural phenomenon 'Dinner For One' from 1963.

To become a patron of the shows CLICK HERE

To check out Nuraphones CLICK HERE

To investigate The Dark Pages CLICK HERE


Episode 79: Time To Kill


In this week's show...

EMAILS from a nostalgic film lover, a Swedish girl with great taste, an almost-murder victim, and a PR guru who hasn't done her research...

MUSIC from The Andrews Sisters, Ray Noble and Billie Holiday...

NEWS of Film Festivals and Film Screenings...

DISGUISES courtesy of 'Who The Hell Is That Hollywood Legend?'...

SOOKIE has a grand idea...

...and REVIEWS of two macabre classics: the fiendish 'The Three Weird Sisters' from 1948, and the time-travelling noir thriller, 'Repeat Performance' from 1947...

Radio entertainment comes this week from Suspense...

To become a patron of the shows click here

To attend the BFI screening click here
