lights out


The Attaboy Clarence Christmas Cracker 2020!


It’s a festive celebration of Yuletide radio musical and movie magic in The Attaboy Clarence Christmas Cracker special!

Starring Basil Rathbone, Ella Fitzgerald, Joseph Cotten, Dorothy McGuire, Ginger Rogers, Santa Claus. Perry Como, Ronald Colman, Pat O’Brien, Billie Holiday, Bing Crosby and many, many more!

To become a Co-Producer/Patron of the shows and gain instant access to hundreds more hours of Golden Age bonus material CLICK HERE!



Things That Make You Go... YIKES!


This week’s show is VERY uncomfortable affair as we explore two Pre-Code movies that you may need to watch through your fingers, for very different reasons…

Lionel Atwill is a big-game hunting millionaire with a penchant for gory tailor work in ‘Murders In The Zoo, and Irene Dunne plays a newlywed who discovers that her husband’s mother fosters a deeply unhealthy obsession with him in ‘The Silver Cord’…

We’ve got music from The Ink Spots, a helpful guide on how to use coffee to reduce crime, and a game show appearance from Basil Rathbone, who has a secret…

Radio entertainment comes this week from the wonderful Lights Out!

To become a patron/co-producer of the shows CLICK HERE


Episode 66: Mermaids And Dog Parades

This week, there's a new game in town, as well as an all new (very overactive) catchphrase!


The reviews are over to you...

And hear about a trio of very curious movies in which you'll find a lovesick mermaid, a David-Lynchian parade of dogs, and a superhero with the worst super-power you've ever heard of!

It's all here, so dive on into Episode 66!

To become a patron of the shows, click here
