dan duryea


Sinister Warnings


In this week’s show, there’s a special guest… well, kind of…

We have music from Billie Holiday and Sir Lancelot!

Reviews of two classic thrillers - Johnny Stool Pigeon from 1949, and Black Hand from 1950, both of which feature stars playing against type…

We’re even taking a dive into the Question Pot!

Radio entertainment comes courtesy of Suspense…

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Sinister Warnings
Attaboy Clarence


Episode 17: Who Is Number Fifteen?

Welcome back, everyone!

Forget your contemporary pop stars, why didn’t the ‘Spry’ song ever permeate the national consciousness?

Not only that, but it’s ‘Summer Money Time’, a time to be consistently interrupted.

Adam deals out lashings of High-Octane-80’s-High-Fives to all the good folk who’ve been making his days lately, and the Sexist Advertisement Klaxon once again rears its politically incorrect head.

What’s the most inappropriate radio show that a grammatically worrying “Just Right Sweet” sugar coated treat could possibly be linked to? 

Join The Attaboy Clarence Film Club and sound off, damn you.

PLUS, reviews of the nail-biting noir-thriller ‘The Woman In The Window’, the Cagney comedy ‘The Irish In Us’ ("O’HARA"), a horribly disappointing version of Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The Black Cat’ starring Basil Rathbone, and James Stewart’s first movie, ‘The Murder Man’.

The radio play this week is an intriguing slice of mystery and drama, entitled ‘Libel’, from the Lux Radio Theatre, so turn the volume up, and settle back in for the just right sweet return of The Attaboy Clarence Podcast!

To donate to the upkeep of the show, click here


Episode 17: Who Is Number Fifteen?
Attaboy Clarence

If you'd like to watch The Woman In The Window you can find it here

If you'd like to watch The Black Cat you can find it here (you will need to create an account)

If you'd like to watch The Murder Man you can find it here (you will need to create a login)

If you'd like to watch The Irish In Us you can find it here (you will need to create a login)