
podcast, special

The Attaboy Clarence New Year Special 2021

Hear the Top Ten Classic Movies that wowed me this year (including some I haven't yet told you about...)

Hear reviews of two classic movies with a New Year flavour - a murder mystery set at the stroke of midnight in The Night Club Lady (1932) and a trio of ghosts return to set a love affair in order just in time for New Year in Beyond Tomorrow (1940)...

We have New Year radio adventures with Holmes and Watson and Our Miss Brooks!

A special New Year edition of Who The Hell Is That Hollywood Legend?

Some classic music to see in the New Year, courtesy of Bing Crosby, Peggy Lee, Ella Fitzgerald and The Maguire Sisters

PLUS... don't you just love classic radio advertisement music with a sinister twist?

To become a patron supporter of the shows, and to gain access to a world of Hollywood story-telling go to www.patreon.com/attaboysecret or CLICK HERE


The Attaboy Clarence New Year Special 2021
Attaboy Clarence

podcast, special

The Halloween Spooktacular 2021

In this frightful, spooktacular Halloween Special, join Adam for a triple bill of reviews, as well as three ghoulish radio outings that’ll leave your blood chilled and your heart thrilled!

We’re taking a trip out with three movies including a vampire detective story, a fairytale murderer brought to life, and a mad professor hellbent on miniaturising the world!

In radio land, join Peter Lorre, who may or may not be possessed by a spirit, a warlock back from the dead and in search of fresh blood, and a startling found-footage prototype from radio’s outstanding theatre of thrills!

We’ve also got a trio of spooky musical treats from Kay Starr, Louis Armstrong and Cab Calloway…

If you’ve enjoyed this show and would like instant access to over a hundred more, as well as a whole world of bonus content, then go to www.patreon.com/attaboysecret or CLICK HERE now to become a patron!

The Halloween Spooktacular 2021
Attaboy Clarence

podcast, special

Lighter Than Air

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Take my hand and waltz with me through a very special episode dedicated to the world’s greatest musical-dance-comedy team, Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire!

I’ll be reviewing three of their movies, as well as presenting a gallery of clips, some of the finest music to have ever featured in a Fred and Ginger movie, a double helping of radio appearances by the duo, AND my personal Top 5 Fred & Ginger Supporting Players!

All this and lots more in this bumper-sized, lighter-than-air edition of Attaboy Clarence!

To become a patron/co-producer of the show and gain access to all the bonus editions, CLICK HERE

Lighter Than Air
Attaboy Clarence

podcast, special

The Hundredth Episode!

It’s a very special CENTENARY EDITION of Attaboy Clarence!


What a thrill it’s been to make one hundred of these shows, so let’s celebrate in the only way I know how, namely to tell you about some amazing movies, to present a wonderful piece of old-time radio, to snap our fingers to some classic music, and…

TIME TRAVEL back with me to some of the highs and lows, including my best impression of a 1970’s radio DJ, and the review that caused me to almost collapse…

…endure… I mean enjoy a CANTERBURY RETROSPECTIVE!

… come along for the moment that I met Brook Darnell LIVE IN PERSON!

…hear the Top 5 ads that kicked the advertising obsession off, PLUS we’ll dust off an old friend in order to make it through a lulu of a bra advert!

…hear the song that HUMPHREY’s covering these days!

SOOKIE’s on hand with her own tribute…

…and for the first time, a review of a movie that isn’t an actual review…

It’s all here in this very special HUNDREDTH EDITION OF ATTABOY CLARENCE! Can you believe we made it?

To sign up as a supporter of this and the NEXT hundred shows, and to become not just a Co-Producer of this podcast, but also one of Adam’s employers, CLICK HERE! 

The Hundredth Episode!
Attaboy Clarence

podcast, special

Episode 94: The Scream Queen


In this week’s show…

SING along with a Mexican stereotype!

Do you have enough BLADES?

Tap your foot to music by Charles Trenet and Freddy Martin!

And THRILL to the tale of Universal Horror icon, the “Queen Of The Screamers”, Miss Evelyn Ankers!

There’s also news afoot!

To sign up as a Co-Producer of the shows CLICK HERE

To get your copy of The Dark Pages CLICK HERE

Episode 94: The Scream Queen
Attaboy Clarence

podcast, special

The Aaaargh-ttaboy Clarence Halloween Special!


Wooooooo! (That’s a ghost noise, by the way…)

It’s a spookfest this time round, with ghoulish reviews of three classic chillers, including a mad doctor with ice on the brain, a mad doctor with a murderer on his hands, and a mad doctor with a secret in the basement…

There’s eerie music from Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby and Mary Ann McCall!

Brook Darnell returns for an inside look at one of horror’s greatest icons!

There’s a dip into the Question Pot!

The winner of the Jamaica Inn competition is announced!

Sookie’s been getting into the Halloween spirit…

PLUS there’s a classic slice of Halloween radio…

To become a patron of the shows CLICK HERE

To listen to Film Guff CLICK HERE

To drop a question into the Question Pot CLICK HERE

The Aaaargh-ttaboy Clarence Halloween Special!
Attaboy Clarence

podcast, special

Episode 88: All About Myrna


This week's show is dedicated to a very special lady...

Myrna Loy remains one of the Golden Age's most beloved stars. But do you know how she got her start? And what can the marvellous Brook Darnell dig up about her from the Library Of Congress in this week's edition of 'Brook's Inside Looks'?

There's also music from Bob Hope, as well as a flying visit to the Question Pot!

Reviews this week are of four Myrna movies: I Love You Again (1940), The Thin Man Goes Home (1945), Too Hot To Handle (1938), and Libeled Lady (1936).

Radio entertainment this week comes from the Lux Radio Theatre AND Suspense...

To sign up as a Patron, and receive rewards, including a special invitation to the next Film Club night CLICK HERE


Episode 88: All About Myrna
Attaboy Clarence

special, podcast

The Attaboy Clarence Christmas Special 2017


It's the Attaboy Clarence Christmas Special for 2017, featuring...

Gene Autry, Janet Leigh, Robert Mitchum, Greer Garson, Brook Darnell, Sherlock Holmes, Dr Watson, a very old-time radio version of the nativity, the Christmas Pot, Sookie, Frank Sinatra, and of course, YOU the listeners!

To become a patron of the shows click here


The Attaboy Clarence Christmas Special 2017
Attaboy Clarence

podcast, special

Episode 62: The Silly Story

This week, see what happens when scientists apply themselves to the task of advertising...


...HELP(?) is provided to a listener who is addicted to the Question Pot song...

...NEWS of an upcoming THIRD show...

...HEAR the films that are an instant turnoff...

...followed by a concise guide to one of the most revered and respected animation series of all time, Walt Disney's laboratory of animation technique, the Silly Symphonies, which were the genesis of much of Disney's success...

aking of which, radio entertainment comes courtesy of Walt Disney himself...


...the competition winner is announced...

To become a patron, click here


Episode 62: The Silly Story
Attaboy Clarence

podcast, special

The Attaboy Clarence Christmas Special 2015

Merry Christmas, and welcome to the second annual festive edition of Attaboy Clarence, featuring...

A completely natural conversation about a Letter To Santa!

A festive Disney Christmas gift!

Santa playing 20 Questions!

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson undergoing a very special identity crisis!

A warm and fuzzy adaptation of a true Christmas classic!


Special appearances from Bing Crosby, Walt Disney, Judy Garland, Sookie the dog, Arthur Askey,The Three Little Pigs, Basil Rathbone, Donald Duck, Perry Como, The Brighton Strangler, Nigel Bruce, Dinah Shore, Frank Sinatra, YOU GUYS, and the return of Humphrey...

To become a patron of the shows click here


The Attaboy Clarence Christmas Special 2015
Attaboy Clarence

podcast, special

The Attaboy Clarence Christmas Special

Join Adam for a show filled to the brim with Yuletide cheer, festive fun and Christmas spirit, as we draw 2014 to a close with the help of special guests Boris Karloff, Lauren Bacall, Dean Martin, Basil Rathbone, Frank Sinatra, The Muppets, Humphrey Bogart, Nigel Bruce, John Barrymore, Rudy Vallee, Nat King Cole, Orson Welles, Michael Caine, Bing Crosby and The Brighton Strangler... 

Also, THRILL to the most homoerotic car advert of all time, LEARN how to get the smoothest kisser for those mistletoe moments, RIDE along with a Christmas detective adventure and BE APPALLED as Humphrey arrives at a neighbour's house, only to find himself face to face with Mr White Christmas himself, in a horrifying recreation of one of the most awkward Christmas songs of all time...

To donate to the upkeep of the show, click here


The Attaboy Clarence Christmas Special
Attaboy Clarence